2019-11-19 23:14:25阅读人数:38038


The person I admire most is not others but my beautiful mother. On weekdays, she has done a lot of good deeds to help others. One of the "big events" that I remember vividly is my mother's "great hero event".


I remember that it was the first day of last summer vacation. My mother took me to Zhanshan temple for a visit. It was almost noon after the visit. We were going to leave Zhanshan temple to go home after passing the small bridge.

过 小桥时,看见桥下一对姐弟在玩耍。不一会儿,小哥哥惊喜的喊道:“看,一只小乌龟爬上岸了”!他们便淘气的把小乌龟捉了上来,突然听到“扑通”一声。开始 我们以为他们把玩完的小乌龟又扔回放生池里放生了。“可别把鱼儿吓着了”。我还在想,便回头看了一眼。不好!原来是小姐姐不小心落入放生池了,水马上要没 过小姐姐的头顶了,小哥哥也像吓傻了似的一动不动无助的的看着小姐姐不做声。小姐姐拼命的扑通着水,妈妈二话没说跳下桥就去救那个小姐姐。可妈妈也不会游 泳,一边把住岸边的石头尽最大的可能把脚伸给小姐姐,一边对我大喊:“快找大人来”。也不知道是因为中午大家都去吃饭去了,还是怎么回儿事。原本热闹的湛 山寺,这时反而游人稀少,我跑出五十多米才叫到两个叔叔,在这两个叔叔的热心帮助下妈妈终于把小姐姐拉了上来。

When crossing the small bridge, I saw a pair of brothers and sisters playing under the bridge. After a while, the little brother exclaimed in surprise, "look, a little turtle has climbed up the bank"! They mischievously caught the turtle and heard a "plop". At first we thought that they had thrown the little tortoise back into the pool and let it go. Don't scare the fish. I was still thinking, so I looked back. Not good! It turned out that the young lady accidentally fell into the release pool. The water was about to pass over the top of the little sister's head, and the little brother looked at the young lady as if he had been scared to be stupid. The little sister desperately splashed the water, and her mother jumped off the bridge without saying anything to save the little sister. But my mother can't swim either. At the same time, she stretches her foot to the lady's sister as much as possible while holding the stone on the bank. At the same time, she yells at me, "quickly find adults.". I don't know if it's because everyone went to dinner at noon, or how to get back. Zhanshan temple, which used to be bustling, was sparsely visited at this time. I ran more than 50 meters before I called two uncles. With the help of these two uncles, my mother finally pulled up the young lady.

回家的路上,我对妈妈说: “妈妈,刚才我很害怕,怕没有妈妈了。怕妈妈下去就上不来了,妈妈你真伟大,要是我就做不到”。妈妈说:“宝宝,没什么的,随便那个大人看到都会这么做 的。你想想,如果因为我们没有伸出援手去救小姐姐而令小姐姐没了生命,将来一定会终生良心不安的”。听了这些我似懂非懂的话,眼睛模糊了,刹那间妈妈在我 心中的形象无比高大了起来……

On the way home, I said to my mother, "Mom, just now I was afraid that I would not have a mother. I'm afraid that my mother won't be able to get on. You're so great, mom. I can't do it. ". The mother said: "baby, it's nothing. Any adult will do it when they see it. Think about it. If we didn't help our little sister and she lost her life, she would have a lifelong conscience upset in the future. After listening to these words that I don't understand, my eyes are blurred. In a moment, my mother's image in my heart is very big


This matter has been fresh in my memory. My mother is an example of my life and the person I most admire. When I grow up, I must be like my mother: treat people sincerely and be ready to help others; treat people with heart and treat things with sincerity.

*【自考专业】120201K 工商管理(本科段)商务管理
